Distance+ GOLD is an all in one diesel fuel additive that maximizes performance, economy, cleaning power, fuel storage, lubrication and much more.
‣ Maximizes lubrication for all diesel engines to 4 times the minimum recommended amount.
‣ Replaces missing lubricants that older diesel engines need, that are not present in ULSD and Bio-Blend Diesel fuels.
‣ Provides the highest cetane boosts on the market, 12 point maximum cetane increase.
‣ Increases and restores lost engine power and efficiency.
‣ Increases fuel storage life up to 12 months.
‣ Improves and in most cases eliminated cold start issue in diesel engines.
‣ Super concentrated! 1 fl. oz. treats 25 gallons of diesel fuel.
‣ Increased water dispersion in diesel fuel systems.
‣ Significant increase in detergent & lubrication properties.
‣ Greatly reduces component wear in 2007 or older diesel engines that require sulfur or other additives.
REV-X Distance+ Gold High Lubricity Formula All In One Diesel Additive 8oz
Part#: DISG0801
Dimensions: 3.8 (width) x 6 (height) x 1.5 (depth) inches
Weight: 8oz